Before making an examination reservation Candidates MUST VISIT to complete the license application and pay ALL associated fees. Candidates cannot make the exam reservation until they receive an email from Pearson VUE with their “reserved” NPN (National Producer Number) and their examination information.
Candidates required to complete Pre-licensing Education are still required to provide the PLE School Code and education completion date that is provided on the Examination Admission Ticket. The Examination Ticket is given to you when you complete and pass our Pre-licensing class. You are required to complete and you must pass our Exam(s) within 90 days of the education completion date OR within 5 examination attempts over the 90 day period, whichever comes first.
Candidates may make a reservation either online or by calling (800) 274-0668. You should make a reservation at least twenty-four (24) hours before the desired examination date. Walk-in examinations are not available.
Brewer Insurance School
Dutch Center | 810 Dutch Square Blvd. Suite 100 Columbia, SC 29210
Welcome to the Carolina's most prestigious insurance school. Providing excellence in education for South Carolina and North Carolina.